Who is A Mother?

Who is A Mother?


Text: Tit 2:3-5  The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

A mother is someone who loves you, cares for you more than she cares or love herself.

A mother is someone who will never leave a child in a difficult times, that is a good mother.


1. M- Miracle: Being a mother is a miracle. There are women and there are ladies But few are mothers.

2. O- Orderly:  A mother is someone who is orderly in all things, who is organized, who knows the right thing to do at the right time.

3. T- Trustworthy: Children are looking for a trustworthy mother. A person they can trust with their problems, A person they can confide in, cry on her shoulder, who will understand and comfort them. Who will encourage them in times of difficulty instead of ridiculing them or running away.

4. H- Humor: A good mother should learn have a high sense of humor,  someone who loves to play with the children. Some mothers are too strict. A house without fun and laughter is a home full of tension and problems. Mothers should have a high sense of humor, let your children and husband feel free around you.

5. E- Enduring: As a mother your level of tolerance have to be very high. A woman should not pray for a family if she doesn’t have capacity to forebear. She is expected to be accommodating.

6. R- Resilient: A good mother must not give up on a matter easily. She should tarry long in the place of prayer. She would not give up until she receives what she wants for her family or see her family becomes what she wants them to be.


1. Absentee Mother:  she is at home but not at home, she is just there like a figure head no impact, she doesn’t know what is happening in her home.

2. Favoritism Mother: Example is Rebecca in Genesis 27:1-38, she liked Jacob more than Esau, there are mothers who love one or more of their children more than the others, it might be because they enjoy some benefits such as gifts or money from those children or for no special reason at all.

3. The warfare mother: Example of this is in 1kings 3:16-28, the story of the two harlots. There are some mothers who you think are gentle until you touch their children then you will see the fire in them. A praying mother will always carry her children to the King of kings where they are safe from the wiles of the enemy and they are persistent at it.

4. The submissive mother: We learnt that from Sarah, Genesis 12:13. Any woman that has a temper problem can’t make a good home. Abraham told Sarah to say you are my sister, her level of submission did not allow her to question her husband. She obeyed her husband and even called him lord (I Pet. 3:6).

Please mommies let us be warfare mothers to our spiritual and biological children, we should not be Absentee mothers. GOD BLESS YOU.

Written by Mrs Fadele Adesola for Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry (3pG)

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