The Promise of New Things

The Promise of New Things


The promise of New Things will be ineffective without the revelation of divine mysteries. When you speak others will listen if and when you constantly draw out of the well of deep spiritual things inside of you.

There is no way your wife will not submit to you and respect you when she’s regularly fed of the depth of the wisdom of leadership that’s in you.

Your husband will honour you and learn of your discretions when you are a woman of high understanding whose heart can discern spiritual things.

Your children will find joy listening to you and obeying you if by experience they learn that your wisdom and understanding of things are not casual. You will always be their rallying point.

Your colleagues at work or in your business will seek counsel and wisdom from you once they realize your words are always the answers to naughty issues in your work/business place.

Just as pastoring without revelational understanding of deep secrets is cumbersome so is marriage and parenting without spiritual insights.

The promise of New Things will be true if you desire and thirst for New Revelations, New Visions, New Understanding, enough of pollutions in dreams, the nightmare and and irrational thoughts must stop. If you ask, surely you will receive.

Spend the whole of today, use every Watch Hours of prayers just for one thing only… Father that my eyes be open, show me things that are hidden from the eyes of men” Once you get that… You will know peace and nothing will make you afraid again, never again.

The lack of attention in parenting and in marriage are as a result of lack of spiritual insights to things that will make for one’s peace.

There were many babies in Goshen and Bethlehem, it was spiritual insights of Moses and Jesus mothers that gave them the edge that saves their babies from dangerous decrees.

If other parents were as insightful as well, many more babies and destinies would have escaped the swords of tyrants. Your level of attention to your family (your marriage and children in particular) is directly proportional to the level of your understanding of who they are and who they can be.

There are parents who will be more careful and will fight less irrelevant domestic battles if only their eyes are open and they realize under their roof is a future president or a General of repute in God’s final Army for this age. We often lose the confidence of our children and of our spouses just because we are too occupied to listen and to see.

Father help me to see and to know things that are meant for my peace and for my rest.

May the Promise of New Things be true for you and in you. Amen!

  • Group Admin, 3pG.