by OLUMOFIN Kehinde Benjamin

Music is spiritual and songs are inspired. Inspirations are rarely private. There is almost always a higher-force behind all forms of inspiration. The human mind is vast and capable of many things, nonetheless, at best, humans are human and are incapable of certain thoughts without the help of some higher forces.

If you have ever been inspired to write, to speak, to draw or paint or sing or any such things humans are inspired to do, you will agree with me, at the moment of inspiration, it often seems there is an unseen person whispering or talking or showing you things that are outside yourself and yet part of you, and inseparable from you.

Why do I have to go explain this? It is to let you know that fine lyrics and brilliant tunes are not just human, there are elements of spiritual dimension in them, something outside the mental ability of man.

Something seems to speak ideas, extra ordinary thoughts to your mind, and in response you either begin to write or speak or sing etc to the admiration of your audience.

At that moment, you are beside yourself and kind of under the influence of another and at that brief moment, you are yielded to something higher than you and

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are…?” Romans 6:16.

Inspirational thoughts flow like master-servant relationship.

Therefore, inspiration is like a master-servant relationship. The master whispers and the servant writes down and use whatever that was whispered.

It then means, whoever or whatever spirit inspires a song, controls the human writer and by extension will seek to control the listener.

This is the reason a particular type of music affects the language, dressings, fashion style, type of drugs, food etc associated with the followers etc.

Your music interest can have a strong say in your approach and view in life.

You are a reflection of the songs you listen to. Your songs playlist defines you.

The state of your emotions and emotional balance and ability to adjust to situation and circumstances, rightly in a mature way can be gauged from the type of music you often listen to.

It is easy to know how emotionally and spiritually satisfied a person is just by looking at their favourite songs.

The music industry is sex and romance driven. There are more songs about love, relationship and breakup than about any other subjects combined.

Music is a binder. Music has a way of binding two or more people together to achieve a common goal.

Political movements or religious beliefs and revolutions with major paradigm shift that have common biding songs are most likely to succeed than others who have none.

You are likely to be attracted to the same type of music and songs as your love interest. It is a general knowledge that two people with similar interest in songs and music are likely to readily form a common bond in love and will like to go a little further and get committed than couples who share no common love in music.

Your music love is a reflection of your spiritual sense of judgment and you are likely more comfortable with songs that define your emotional state or your believe and religious views.

One major way you can know your partner’s religious views and spiritual direction and outlook in life is to look at his/her playlist. Nothing defines your inner person better than the songs that often lift out of your mouth in your unguarded moment. “Oh I was deceived. This was not the person he/she said he was before the wedding”.

No, nothing has really changed. You were not just watching out for the right parameters to determine who a person was before marriage. You ignored one of the vital parameters. His/her music interest.

Demons can sing angelic tunes when they are very careful, just to deceive others but watch out for unguarded moment, unguarded utterances and the fruit of the lips will show who is an angel or a devil. Didn’t Jesus said, by their fruit you shall know them?

The fruit of the lips in songs and words are chief among such fruits. There is a high chance you and your “flesh of flesh and bones of bones” will share same likes in music. Deep calls to deep, just as shallow will be at home with mediocrity.

Songs are generally kingdom based depending from whose Kingdom the inspirations came from, God or devil, and the children from these kingdoms share a natural hatred for songs from opposing side. You can’t belong to the Right side and love music from the wrong side. It is a spiritual confusion to love songs from both kingdoms.

Your playlist is a reflection of who or what you worship. Music is a tool of worship in either kingdoms. Your choice of music is a reflection of who you are and who your object of worship is.

Intermarriage is NOT allowed between the two kingdoms. You can’t be here and marry from there and still hope to be “ever happy after.”

The state of your spirit and spiritual maturity can be gauged by the type of music you listen to. You can’t be spiritually better than the songs you are readily attracted to and love to listen to.

And so is your lovelife. Whatever affects your spiritual life, will affect your love life. Both are intricately interwoven together. Your favorite songs will either improve your spiritual sensitivity or otherwise, and so will your love life too get affected by same.

“For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land? Psalms 137:3-4.

If there are songs of Zion, then there are songs from hell. Songs are kingdom based. If there is the LORD’S songs, then there are devil’s songs as well and songs from both sides are strange to one another and everything their Kingdoms stand for.

Young people in church today are not aware of these things and so the pollutions in songs and praise. Have you ever wondered why young people often end up pairing themselves in twos to do the unthinkable, like the matter of Peor, after a hot round of “specially organised praise and musical concert”?

When you import songs and tunes from the opposing kingdoms, even if you change and colour the lyrics with sounds of alleluia and amen, the spirits that inspired the original tunes will still grace the gathering wherever it is sang. No barrier in the spirit. All songs from hell are meant to inspire sexual impurity and Satan worship.

The texts in Psalms 137 are simple testament that music is kingdom based and that songs are forms of worship. Once you sing a song, you are indirectly, and sometimes, directly in alliance with the spirit that inspired it.

The people sang and played and had pleasure when they engaged in foreign songs and twenty three thousand died in a single day in the matter of Peor (Exodus 32:4, 6). Illicit sex and explicit songs are interwoven (1 Corinthians 10:8).

Just as worship and songs. There can be no worship, God or demons, without songs (1 Corinthians 10:7). Modern day Satan worship is mostly songs and music dominated.

For a song to make waves, make crazy sales and be famous, it has to be inspired and it has to be about sex or some hidden forms of Satan worship. Holy Ghost inspired songs rarely make crazy sales and you know why? It is because Light don’t sell.

Men love darkness more than light. “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19. You now understand why musical celebrities align with devils to make global sales.  Explicit songs sell because sex sells. 

“Our brains release dopamine whenever we listen to a favorite piece of music. A similar amount of dopamine is released during lovemaking.

Hence, music has always been linked with sexual attraction.

It is not uncommon for couples to have their ‘special song.’ Meager Karry (Can Music Affect Romantic Relationship?).

You now see why love, romance, sex and music goes hand in hand. It is in our make-up.

Your music have a way of influencing your love-choice and who you are attracted to. Music gives pleasure just as sex. That mean if the music is good, it can bring sexual attraction that can eventually cause sex to take place, given the right environment.

Whatever songs appeals to your sex drive is not inspired by God. This is how to know true spiritual songs that are inspired by God. They make the heart look heavenward because it appeals to the spirit of man, and once the spirit is interlocked with grace of Jesus Christ, the human body looses and God gains a worshiper whose heart is knitted with Him in worship.

I have to tell young people, especially ladies, when the light is deem and the music is cool, much often happens than you planned for. Run once the two conditions are in place to avoid stories that touches the heart. Flee fornication. The two conditions so described encourage fornication beyond what you can withstand once your brain begins to drop pleasure hormones into your body.

If you ever want to marry right and marry your God ordained spouse, then take note of the songs and music your heart finds comfort in and same to the favourite playlist of your spouse-to-be. You can’t expect a man whose best songs are strange to the Spirit of Christ as unmarried single to suddenly develop a godly attitude after marriage and same for the woman.

Songs says a lot about you and your spiritual state and so much too, about your love life. There are church songs and there are worldly songs and the two are never the same, even if your church or your favourite gospel artists are confusing both as one. Once married, you can’t blame anyone of them for the roles their choice of words in songs and lyrics played in your eventual choice. The final outcome is perfectly yours to live with. Beware, any songs that inspires you towards sex, especially as an unmarried person, may likely base your decision on physical appearances rather than on character, virtues and godliness.

Your music interest says everything about you and your emotional state and by extension, your love interest, who you are attracted to and who is attracted to you.