3pG October 2020 Big Event – Abba, Father 10 Theme: WALKING IN YOUR COVENANT OF SALT Wednesday 7th October 2020 – Day 3 SPREAD THE SALT Breaking of Bread: Matthew 1:1-16 The Covenant of Salt, like all other covenants, is kept in place by the Word but the blessedness of the covenant, its promises and all the blessings that can […]


Praying Parents Prayer Group Christian Ministry 3pG October 2020 Big Event – Abba, Father 10 Theme: WALKING IN YOUR COVENANT OF SALT Monday 5th October 2020 – Day 1 BEGIN WITH ME Breaking of Bread:  Matthew 5:13-16 Lord Begin with me.  When God want to stop an evil pattern over a lineage and begin a new pattern of grace in […]

God indeed is Good

TESTIMONY Please join me in praising God. My heart is so full of joy right now. I have been asked to stop the usage of drugs to the glory of God. All past tests since the month of May have turned out negative Praise the Lord. Also you remember I was concerned about the extension of treatment from 6 months […]